Clean-carbon energy is a company that aims to make bulk chemical production more sustainable by extracting excess energy as electricity, rather than it being wasted as heat. This is achieved using fuel cells.The SPOCC Reactor follows on from this work. The reaction between methane and air in a fuel cell produces syngas plus electricity and some heat. This energy is used in situ to power an electrolyser which reacts methane with CO2 to produce more syngas. Once at temperature the reactions are self-sustaining.
Region: Europe
Country: England
State/Province/Department: Hertfordshire
City/Town: Hertfordshire
Info on utilization:
- Electrochemical conversion
CO2 Source: Varied (Biogas, industrial point sources, large CO2 emitters)
CCU Tecnology Category: Utilization
CO2 capture/Utilization:
Production Volume:
Product Categories:
- Fuels
- Chemicals
Specific Product(s): Syngas, methanol, ammonia