As a world leader in electrolyzers, catalysts, and technology, Harold Topsoe develops solutions for decarbonizing hard-to-abate sectors such as steel, cement, chemicals, shipping, and aviation. Their solutions produce essential renewable energy carriers, fuels, and chemicals of the future, such as green hydrogen, green ammonia, and eMethanolâ„¢.
Large enterprise
Region: Europe
Country: Denmark
City/Town: Kongens Lyngby
Info on utilization:
- Electrochemical conversion
- Catalytic conversion
CO2 Source: Varied (biogas, waste CO2 from the industry, large CO2 emitters, atmospheric CO2, point source)
CCU Tecnology Category: Utilization
CO2 capture/Utilization:
Production Volume: 1.2 million tonnes of green ammonia/year 45,000 tonnes of e-methanol/year/plant
Product Categories:
- Fuels
- Chemicals
Specific Product(s): SNG, G2LTM eFuels, TIGASTM, SynCOR Methanolâ„¢, ammonia