METHANOLOGY is a Swiss cleantech and engineering company. The willpower system developped by METHANOLOGY converts carbon dioxide from ambient air under mild conditions into a high-value compound that is easy to store and can be used as fuel e.g. for heating purposes. We achieve this through a biocatalytical conversion, which only requires water and electricity from a renewable source like photovoltaics.
Region: Europe
Country: Switzerland
City/Town: Neuhausen Am Rheinfal
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Info on utilization:
- Electrochemical conversion
- Catalytic conversion
- Biological conversion
CO2 Source: Atmospheric CO2
CCU Tecnology Category: Utilization
CO2 capture/Utilization:
Production Volume: 100 litres/day
Product Categories:
- Technology infrastructure (Utilization)
- Fuels
Specific Product(s): methanol, willpower energy® reactor