D-CRBN is a cleantech spin-off company from the University of Antwerp that has developed a cutting-edge technology that enables the conversion of CO2. This innovative process uses plasma to split CO2 molecules into their original building blocks. These building blocks can be re-used to create valuable products such as e-fuels, chemicals, or polymers to ultimately achieve a circular and more sustainable economy.
Region: Europe
Country: Belgium
City/Town: Antwerp
- cve
Website: https://d-crbn.com/
Info on capture:
- N.A.
Info on utilization:
- Thermal conversion
CO2 Source: point source (flue gas)
CCU Tecnology Category: Capture (Point sources) and Utilization
CO2 capture/Utilization: 30,000 tonnes CO2 per year
Production Volume:
Product Categories:
- Technology infrastructure (Utilization)
- Polymers
- Fuels
- Chemicals
Specific Product(s): Building blocks (CO)