The main objectives of this project are: i) Perform proof-of-concept for the integrated production of biopower & heat, transportation fuels and specialty chemicals based on utilization of CO2 from biomass operations and hydrogen from water electrolysis or industrial processes, ii) Create new business opportunities proving ultimate novelty for producing fully CO2-based specialty chemicals such as polycarbonate and polyether polyols. Selected comparative P2X-concepts for CO2 utilization will also be evaluated (e.g. ash-treatment, SNG, methanol), iii) increase the TRL of studied unit processes and the techno-economics of the concept
Poroject Lead: Technical Research Centre of Finland (VTT)
Region: Europe
Country: Finland
City/Town: Espoo
Timeline Start - End: 2020-01-01 - 2022-02-28
Project Status: Ongoing
Project Budget: 4835000.0 €
Funding source: N.A.
- Value chain demonstration
- Techno-economic analysis
- Research (CCU)
- Life cycle assessment (LCA)
- Impact assessment
- CCU (Power-to-X)
- Business case development
CO2 Source: CO2 from biomass operations
CCU Tecnology Category: Utilization
Info On Utilization:
- Reverse water gas shift (RWGS)
- Polymerization
End TRL: 6
CO2 capture/Utilization:
Production Volume:
Product Categories:
- Fuels
- Chemicals
Specific Product(s): polycarbonate, polyether polyols, methanol
- Kleener
- Kemianteollisuus ry
- Finnfoam Oy
- Top Analytica
- Pirkanmaan jätehuolto
- Metener
- Mirka
- Neste
- Helen Ltd
- CarbonReUse
- Killto Oy
- Valmet
- Business Finland