CO2 Energicapt aims to integrate oxygen-enriched air combustion with CO2 capture for existing industrial boilers. This is the first pilot realization of a CO2 capture system. The steps of storage and valorisation of CO2 are not included in the proposed program. However, they will be taken into account in the global strategy of this study. The main lines of development and research will deal with: the increase of energy efficiency of the installations and the optimization of the separation and the capture.
Poroject Lead: Leroux et Lotz Technologies (LLT)
Region: Europe
Country: France
Timeline Start - End: 2011-01-01 - 2016-01-01
Project Status: Completed
Project Budget: 1261469.0 €
Funding source: ANR
CO2 Source: Industrial boilers
CCU Tecnology Category: Capture (Point sources)
End TRL: 6
CO2 capture/Utilization:
Production Volume:
Product Categories:
- Captured CO2
Specific Product(s):
- CPCU laboratories
- Centre National de la reserche scientifique - Delegation regionale centre-est (CNRS/LRGP)
- Polymem
- Centre National de la reserche scientifique - Delegation Regionale centre poitou-charentes (CNRS/ICARE)
- Leroux & Lotz Technologies