Following successful laboratory tests, operation of a new system for the separation of CO2 from exhaust gases has begun on the grounds of the Wien Energie Biomass Power Plant in Simmering. The CO2 can then be used for example as fertilizer in the agricultural industry or as raw material in the food industry. This is tested in a test greenhouse operated by LGV-Frischgemüse Wien.
Poroject Lead: Technical University of Vienna
Region: Europe
Country: Germany
State/Province/Department: Bavaria
City/Town: Simmering
Timeline Start - End: 2015-01-01 - 2020-01-01
Project Status: Ongoing
Project Budget: 2400000.0 €
Funding source: Energy Fund of the Republic of Austria
CO2 Source: Combustion processes
CCU Tecnology Category: Capture (Point sources)
Facility stage: Operational
Start TRL: 6
End TRL: 7
CO2 capture/Utilization: 1 tons CO2/day
Production Volume:
Product Categories:
- Soil/Fertilizer
Specific Product(s):
- Wien Energie
- Ikproject
- Bertsch
- University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (BOKU)
- Vienna University of Technology
- Shell