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  • Project Description

    C4U is a holistic interdisciplinary project involving the collaboration with 8 European countries and Mission Innovation Countries (Canada, China and USA). The project aims to address all the essential elements required for the optimal integration of CO2 capture in the iron and steel industry as part of the CCUS chain. This project includes the scale-up of two solids-based CO2 capture technologies, the DISPLACE and CASOH processes (post- and pre-combustion configurations respectively), aiming to raise the TRL from 5 to 7. In addition, the economic, environmental and business analysis will be evaluated for these technologies, as part of the assessment of reaching TRL 9. The study will consider their integration in one ArcelorMittal steel plant within the North Sea Port industrial cluster, including the transport and storage infrastructure.

    Poroject Lead: University of college London

  • Geographical Information

    Region: Europe

    Country: Netherlands

  • Project Boundaries

    Timeline Start - End: 2020-01-04 - 2024-03-31

    Project Status: Ongoing

    Project Budget: 13845496.89 €

    Funding source: 90% H2020

  • Websites

  • Technological Information


    - Whole value chain demonstration

    - Techno-economic analysis

    - Social impact assessment

    - Environmental assessment

    - CCU

    CO2 Source: Iron and steel plant

    CCU Tecnology Category: Capture (Point sources)

    Start TRL: 5

    End TRL: 7

  • Technological Details

    CO2 capture/Utilization: 10 Mt/yr of CO2 

    Production Volume:

  • Product Information

    Product Categories:

    - Captured CO2

    Specific Product(s):

  • Partners

    - Dalian University of Technology (DUT)

    - Kisuma Chemicals BV (KISUMA)

    - The University of Sheffield (UoS)

    - Johnson Matthey (JM)

    - Climate Strategies (CS)

    - The Carmeuse Group

    - Amec Foster Wheeler Italiana (Wood)

    - Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS)

    - French Institute for Industrial Environment and Risks (INERIS)

    - Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe, Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources (BGR)

    - Element Energy (EE)

    - Nederlandse Organisatie voor toegepast-natuurwetenschappelijk onderzoek (TNO)

    - Politecnico di Milano (POLIMI)

    - The University of Manchester (UM)

    - ArcelorMittal Asturias (AMA)

    - ArcelorMittal Belgium (AM)

    - ArcelorMittal Innovación Investigación e Inversion S.L.

    -  Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) 

    - Radboud University (RU)

    - Swerim

    - University College London (UCL)