Phaskat: phase-pure electrocatalysts and adjustment of conditions regarding the reduction of CO2. The aim of the PhasKat project is to develop design rules for the catalysts used in the electrochemical reduction of carbon dioxide into value-added products. By making use of renewable energy valuable products are produced out of the waste carbon dioxide and fed back into the economic industrial cycle. Target products, comprising two coupled carbon atoms, such as ethylene and ethanol, have the potential to provide the chemical industry a sustainable raw material basis, and/or enable the manufacturing of fuels with an annual volume of several hundred million tons.
Poroject Lead: Siemens Gas and Power GmbH
Region: Europe
Country: Germany
Timeline Start - End: 2020-01-02 - 2023-01-31
Project Status: Completed
Project Budget: 581000.0 €
Funding source: BMBF
- Technology Infractructure (CCU)
- Research (CCU)
CO2 Source: N.A.
CCU Tecnology Category: Utilization
Info On Utilization:
- Electrochemical conversion
- Catalytic conversion
CO2 capture/Utilization:
Production Volume:
Product Categories:
- Technology infrastructure (Utilization)
- Chemicals
Specific Product(s): Catalyst development for the electrochemical reduction of CO2 into ethylene and ethanol.
- Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH
- Evonik Creavis GmbH
- Evonik Resource Efficiency GmbH
- Siemens Gas and Power GmbH