eM-Rhône aims to produce e-methanol using renewable hydrogen production and carbon capture and utilisation. Green hydrogen will be produced using an electrolyser solution supplied with renewable energy. For the carbon, the project plans to deploy Cryocap™ technology to capture CO2 from a cement plant.
Poroject Lead: Elyse Energy
Region: Europe
Country: France
City/Town: Salaise-sur-Sanne
Timeline Start - End: 2023-07-13 -
Project Status: Ongoing
Project Budget: €
Funding source: Innovation Fund
CO2 Source: Cement industry
CCU Tecnology Category: Capture (Point sources) and Utilization
Info On Utilization:
- Catalytic conversion
Facility stage: Planning
End TRL: 8
CO2 capture/Utilization:
Production Volume: 125000 t/a by 2027
Product Categories:
- Fuels
Specific Product(s): methanol
- Holcim
- Elyse Energy