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CCU: Bio-CO2 Capture & Utilization for horticulture

  • Project Description

    This is where the world’s first commercial Carbon Capture installation for horticulture has been provided by Green Gas & Liquids B.V. (previously Frames Group B.V.). Flue gases from the biomass-fired boiler are directed to the Galloxol® system for efficient Carbon capture. The obtained pure CO2 (99.9%) is utilized in greenhouses to enhance photosynthesis and increase yields. Any excess CO2 is stored in storage balloons and transported for further use via a ventilator.

    Poroject Lead: Green Gas & Liquids B.V. (previously Frames Group B.V.)

  • Geographical Information

    Region: Europe

    Country: Netherlands

    State/Province/Department: Zeeland

    City/Town: Sirjansland

  • Project Boundaries

    Timeline Start - End: 2018-01-01 - 2019-09-01

    Project Status: Completed

    Project Budget:

    Funding source: 100% DES BV.

  • Technological Information


    - Complete value chain demonstration

    - CCU

    CO2 Source: Biomass boiler fluegasses

    CCU Tecnology Category: Capture (Point sources) and Utilization

    Info On Utilization:

    - Other

    - CO2 for injection

    Facility stage: Operational

    Start TRL: 8

    End TRL: 9

  • Technological Details

    CO2 capture/Utilization: Galloxol® employs an established process technology based on accelerated salt technology. The chosen solvent is biodegradable and ensures safety. This technology efficiently captures CO2 from flue gases through an absorption/desorption cycle, allowing for continuous regeneration and reuse of the solvent. The system incorporates highly effective heat integration.

    Production Volume: 2.2 tCO2/h

  • Product Information

    Product Categories:

    - Technology infrastructure (Capture Point sources)

    - Food/Feed

    - Captured CO2

    Specific Product(s):

  • Partners

    - Van Duijn aubergines

    - DT van Noord tomaten

    - VOF Prominent Grevelingen

    - DES B.V.