The development of polymers with differential features that have CO2 in their chemical structure, e.g. polycarbonate polyol. Through NEOSPOL, Repsol has developed a new technology to synthesize a new type of polyol with CO2, replacing the expensive fossil resource (propylene oxide). The specific objectives achieved with the project are, among others: i) Reduction emissions of greenhouse gases while maintaining or even improving some of the product properties, ii) Reduction of the carbon footprint of the process of synthesis of polymers, iii) Reduction of the voltaic organic compounds, iv) Increase biodegradability of the new products, v) Reduction of energyconsumption during polymer synthesis. The new polymeric can be used in different applications: packaging film and adhesives, foam block for the comfort market, applications of high CO2 content.
Poroject Lead: Repsol
Region: Europe
Country: Spain
City/Town: Madrid
Timeline Start - End: 2013-01-01 - 2017-01-01
Project Status: Completed
Project Budget: 1704999.0 €
Funding source: Ministerio de Economia Y Cempetitividad, CDTI (Centro para el Desarrollo Tecnologico Industrial), eea grants
CO2 Source: Refineries
CCU Tecnology Category: Utilization
Info On Utilization:
- Polymerization
End TRL: 7
CO2 capture/Utilization:
Production Volume: 20% CO2 in produced polyol
Product Categories:
- Chemicals
Specific Product(s): polycarbonate polyol
- University of Valladolid
- Chemistry Technological Centre of Catalunia