Liquid Wind’s third eFuel facility project will be built in cooperation with Umeå Energi and will be connected to Umeå Energi’s cogeneration plant Dåvaverket. The facility will capture biogenic CO2 from the Dåva plant and combine it with green hydrogen produced from renewable electricity to generate eMethanol.
Poroject Lead: Liquid Wind
Region: Europe
Country: Sweden
City/Town: Umeå
Timeline Start - End: 2024-01-01 -
Project Status: Ongoing
Project Budget: €
Funding source:
CO2 Source: CHP
CCU Tecnology Category: Capture (Point sources) and Utilization
Info On Utilization:
- Catalytic conversion
Facility stage: Planning
End TRL: 9
CO2 capture/Utilization:
Production Volume: 130 kt/a
Product Categories:
- Chemicals, Fuels
Specific Product(s): methanol
- Umeå Energi
- Liquid Wind