The overall objectives are: 1) Make a significant contribution to the biocatalytic production development of solar fuels (from TRL 3 to TRL 4-5). This by enabling cyanobacteria or phototrophic algae to produce alcohols and alkanes, which can be harvested from the culture broth due to their excretion by these microorganisms, 2) Assess the broad impact of this novel approach to fuel composition (also taking into account other emerging waste- and residue based fuels) and engine performance in the future.
Poroject Lead: Volkswagen AG
Region: Europe
Country: Portugal
Timeline Start - End: 2015-01-05 - 2019-04-30
Project Status: Completed
Project Budget: 6000000.0 €
Funding source: 100% H2020
- Research (CCU)
- Business case development
CO2 Source: Atmospheric CO2
CCU Tecnology Category: Utilization
Info On Utilization:
- Photochemical conversion
- Biological conversion
Start TRL: 3
End TRL: 5
CO2 capture/Utilization:
Production Volume:
Product Categories:
- Fuels
Specific Product(s): Alcohols and Alkanes
- Syncom
- Centro Ricerche Fiat
- Volvo
- Karlsruhe Institut für Technologie
- Neste
- AlgaFuel
- Niversita Firenze
- Imperial College London
- Universität Bielefeld
- Uppsale untiversitet
- Volkswagen