Teréga, formerly TIGF, is one of the two operators of the gas transmission network in France with GRTgaz. The company also has natural gas storage activities and thus is an important player in the context of e-methane. Teréga is working to encourage the acceleration of the development of synthetic methane, making it compatible with injection into grids. In addition to being renewable, this new gas comes from a methanation process that enables the recycling of CO2 from other processes, such as methanisation, transforming it into methane by adding renewably sourced H2.
Large enterprise
Region: Europe
Country: France
City/Town: Pau
Website: http://www.terega.fr
CCU Tecnology Category: N.A.
CO2 capture/Utilization:
Production Volume:
Product Categories:
- Fuels
Specific Product(s): Synthetic methane